Studying Nursing in Unprecedented Times
Miss Irene Ho Oi-ki | Year 5 Bachelor of Nursing (Full-time) student
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, our school lives have not been the same.
Over the past two years, school lectures switched completely from face-to-face to online. This was good news for some as it meant that we could all stay in the comfort of our own homes. Yet, as graduation approached, I began to miss the times when I could meet with my friends on campus. Luckily, members of Generation Z like myself are capable of maximising the use of technology, and we managed to engage ourselves virtually to stay connected.
As for our clinical practicum, our experience was one that was shadowed with uncertainty as we constantly faced unforeseen situations. Last-minute changes were no stranger to us, and they could be nerve-wracking, but we all understood that everyone was in the same boat and doing their best to optimise learning opportunities. We were unable to attend some of the venues so alternative modes were arranged. I really appreciate our tutors' hard work in finding interactive case studies online, as well as arranging simulation labs which really motivated me to learn and to actively think and reflect throughout the process.
When the fifth wave struck, manpower shortages in public hospitals intensified. Our School participated in the setting up of the Choi Wing Road Community Isolation Facility (CIF). As I took in the daily heartbreaking news of the underprivileged victims during that time, I didn’t hesitate to join the programme and help out. We were on 10-hour shifts each day with full personal protective equipment (PPE). At times it certainly got exhausting, but the smiles on the faces of elderly patients made it all worthwhile. Apart from being able to help others, attending shifts allowed me to connect with my classmates despite the social restrictions at that time. I was eager to learn with my peers under the guidance of our tutors and the experience was immensely helpful in my journey to becoming a Registered Nurse. I am really grateful to have been part of the team.
The fight against COVID-19 has been long and tough, but it was also a valuable lesson. The changes and challenges I encountered have opened up new opportunities and adventures for me. What I have learned has also given me the faith that better days will come, and I hope that you can find your own positive note in this difficult time as well.