SEP 2022 ISSUE 50

Griffith University, Australia

Miss Cheryl Hung Cheuk-wai | Year 3 Bachelor of Nursing (Full-time) student

My exchange semester at Griffith University, located in Gold Coast, Australia, was probably one of the best experiences of my life. One of my goals in the exchange trip was to step out of my comfort zone and immerse myself in Aussie life, and yes, I did that. Days were spent exploring nature, with the sky above and the sea below, and enjoying the peace within. I met many life-long friends in the dorm and at school who I couldn't have met if I had stayed in Hong Kong. I listened to my colleagues’ many adventurous road trip stories, which has inspired me to pursue more adventures and explore more.

I went to Australia all by myself, knowing nobody and nothing, but now I am surrounded by many lovely people here and have a heart full of Aussie culture. What more could I ask for?
