SEP 2022 ISSUE 50

Graduate Sharing Seminars

The transition from being a student nurse to a registered nurse, or from school learning to clinical learning, can be intimidating. But this is not a journey students need to make alone. On February 18, five HKU N20 nursing graduates, Ms Christy Chan, Ms Charissa Chu, Mr Donald Lam, Mr Konrad Lau and Mr Anson Lee, shared their experiences of transiting to real-life clinical practice in settings such as the Accident and Emergency Department, Medical & Surgical Ward, Operation Theatre etc. Our current students also received useful tips on how to prepare themselves for clinical practice.

And on March 25, four HKU N19 and N20 nursing graduates, Mr Henry Chan, Mr Joe Ho, Ms Josephine Li and Mr Ken Poon, shared their experiences working at non-bedside settings, such as the Department of Health, non-government organisations, community health and the research field. They shared their knowledge and skills with 200 students on how to prepare one’s professional attributes for nursing careers beyond bedside care and be equipped as all-round nurses.
