SEP 2022 ISSUE 50

HA Satellite Hotline Centre and FHB Home Vaccination Service Hotline Centre

The Government launched the “StayHomeSafe” Scheme and the “Declaration System for Individuals Tested Positive for COVID-19 Using Rapid Antigen Test” online platform during the 5th wave of the pandemic in response to the rising number of people who tested positive for COVID-19. HKUMed assisted this effort by manning a Hospital Authority (HA) Satellite Hotline Centre that was set up at the medical campus in March. Nursing teachers and students answered public inquiries and actively contacted confirmed patients to explain matters related to home quarantine arrangements and medical consultations at designated clinics.

Medical and nursing students also supported the Food and Health Bureau (FHB) Home Vaccination Service Hotline Centre. They actively followed up on the vaccination status and arranged door-to-door COVID-19 vaccinations for those aged 70 or above who were not vaccinated yet, as well as those who could not go out for vaccination due to illness or disability.

The experience students gained through the hotline services helped them to understand that in addition to professional nursing knowledge, the provision of correct information and clear and effective communication skills are also very important to advancing patients’ physical and mental wellbeing.
