Page 12 - HKU Nursing 25th Anniversary Booklet
P. 12


                    I M P L E M E N TI NG  S C I E N TI F I C  K N O WL E D G E

                      Impactful projects influence practice, policies and strategies

            The School has a proven track record of translating research evidence to influence the healthcare practice, policy
            and the strategic direction of services. In the past five years, HK$55.38 million (USD7.10M) has been received from
            the Hong Kong Research Grant Council, Food and Health Bureau and other government departments, community
            stakeholders and philanthropy to conduct science implementation projects. Such work has resulted in effective
            care models to promote the health and chronic disease management of the population in Hong Kong and beyond.
            The impact of selected implementation science projects over the past five years are listed as follow.

             Principle     Funding      Project Title      Project Aim / Impact
             Dr Patsy Chau  Hong Kong    Healthy Ageing in Public  In collaboration with the Hong Kong Housing Authority, this project
                            Housing      Rental Housing Estates  pioneered a nurse-led primary care service model to provide
                            Authority    Programme 2018-2021  highly accessible home-based and mobile health screening, health
                                                            exhibitions, brief health counselling and health talks on chronic
                                                            disease management and sarcopenia. To date, the initiative has
                                                            served over 10,000 older tenants and visitors in 45 public rental
                                                            housing estates.

                            Research     Increasing the resilience  This project will provide a methodological framework for incorporating
                            Impact Fund  to the health impacts   the scientific knowledge of extreme weather and its associated
                                         of extreme weather on   impacts on older adults' health and well-being into a comprehensive
                                         elderly people under   plan for response actions. The study findings will advance the current
                                         future climate change  weather information system to provide more precise district-based
                                                            data, so that multidisciplinary input from urban planners, architects,
                                                            health and social care professionals can be applied to build a
                                                            sustainable and healthy city under the vision of Hong Kong 2030+
                                                            for older adults.

             Dr Derek Cheung  Health Care   Use of nicotine   This project pioneered a blended method, which combined a 1-week
                            and Promotion   replacement therapy   free nicotine replacement therapy sample (NRTS), brief smoking
                            Scheme       (NRT) sample and brief   cessation advice and onsite active referral to smoking cessation
                                         smoking cessation   services,  to  increase  the  uptake  of  smoking  cessation  service  in
                                         advice for recruiting   Hong Kong. The innovative method successfully increased smoking
                                         smokers to smoking   cessation and can be integrated with smoking cessation quitlines
                                         cessation services   and other smoking cessation services.
                                         and motivating quit
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