HKU_Newsletter_Issue 39_0828

Peking Union Medical College Chan Lee Tung During the ten days’ visit to Peking Union Medical College, I have a much better understanding of the differences between Hong Kong and Mainland China in term of the nursing curriculum and the healthcare system. It was an unforgettable and inspiring experience that helps me to evaluate and reflect on my nursing skills and knowledge. Kwok Wai Him We went to School of Nursing, Peking Union Medical College for a 10-day exchange programme. We attended several lectures with PUMC students, and visited some wards in the hospital to observe the daily nursing routine in mainland China. We made friends with PUMC students. The trip was fruitful and enjoyable. University of Connecticut Zoe Fung Words cannot express how happy and honored I am to have taken part in the exchange program to the University of Connecticut. It was something more than just attending lectures overseas, as I gained lots ofexperienceandexposuretoadifferentculture.Wehadopportunities to listen to inspirational final- year presentations, to attend lectures not solely about nursing but also life-and-death, as well as making new friends from different backgrounds and travelling to different places to which we have never been. All these experiences enabled us to become a better version of ourselves, not only in the sense of study and learning, but also in becoming a global citizen. LIU Tsz Yau The 3-week exchange program in the University of Connecticut, was one of the best and most rewarding experiences in my 5-year study of nursing in HKU. Not only was I able to experience a completely new way of campus life and teaching, I was able to visit hospitals and healthcare institutes that provide various kinds of services. The program also enabled us to look at the US healthcare system. I am so thankful to have been given the opportunity to be involved in this amazing program, accompanied by many wonderful people that I met on the other side of the world. Mak Ka Man The exchange experience to the University of Connecticut was really memorable and beneficial to me. I was attracted by the spectacular environment of Connecticut, and it was a great opportunity to exchange and share nursing knowledge with the students there. The things I learnt during this exchange programme will be useful in my future career, so I was very appreciative to join it! Pang Sze Yan I am Sienna, one of the students participating in the exchange programme at UConn in April-May 2017. What impressed me the most is the learning environment there. In terms of academic factors, UConn students can freely choose what their majors are after exploring different courses. They can also hand in their assignments in different formats, from essays to music performances. Geographically speaking, UConn campus is way bigger than ours. Believe it or not, besides common facilities in the University, there are also pubs, barns and lakes. It’s great for students to refresh themselves in these fun filled and stunning places. Shing Wai Yan Through this precious opportunity to the University of Connecticut, I learnt a lot about the cultural differences regarding their nursing practice and lifestyle. Their interactive teaching atmosphere should be encouraged in our lectures. Overall, I am sure that these various experiences will be useful in my future career. Tam Yat Li Three weeks of exchange to the University of Connecticut in the United States was a fruitful and memorable experience. We had many precious opportunities in exploring the healthcare system of the United States and the healthcare facilities in Connecticut. We also had the chance to do some sightseeing in New York and Boston! 8 Vision to L ead Mission to Serve Student Exchange Reflection Fudan University Josephine Li Jiayao The outgoing exchange programme to Fudan University was a remarkable and unforgettable experience as there are lots of palatable foods and spectacular scenery. The combination of traditional Chinese and western culture was perfectly demonstrated by its food, architecture and people. It is definitely a great chance to step out from our comfort zone to appreciate a new language, new lifestyle and new environment.