A press conference was held on May 31, 2018 to announce the phase four findings of the HKU Youth Quitline Smoking Cessation Hotline ‘Youth Quitline’ (December 1, 2016 – March 31, 2018). The hotline has helped over one-fifth of the participants who joined the service for 6 months to quit smoking. The quit rate is about 3% higher than that of the previous phase. The hotline also helped participants reduce risk behaviours and promote physical and psychological health. The ‘Youth Quitline’ is operated by the Smoking Cessation Research Team of the School of Nursing in collaboration with the School of Public Health of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of HKU and the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health. (Headline Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, Metro Daily, Ming Pao Daily News, Oriental Daily News, Sing Tao Daily, Ta Kung Pao - June 1, 2018) Academic Elite Scholarship & Entrance Scholarship 學術精英及入學獎學金 ObtainedaHKDSE scoreof28orabove (Best5) 香港文憑試 考獲28分或以上 (最佳五科) BeawardedHK$21,000 under the“EntranceScholarship” 於一年級可獲得 「入學獎學金」 HK$21,000 Beawarded theAcademicEliteScholarship insubsequentstudyyears untilgraduationuponachieving outstandingacademicperformancecontinuously 每年考獲優異成績 可持續獲取 「學術精英獎學金」直至畢業 同時可獲 「學術精英獎學金」 (相等於首年全額學費) Beawarded the AcademicEliteScholarship (Equivalent to the full tuition feeof the firstyearofstudy) Totalawardvalue up toamaximumof (From left) Prof Chia-Chin Lin, Head, School of Nursing, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU; Professor Tai-hing Lam, Sir Robert Kotewall Professor in Public Health and Chair Professor of Community Medicine, School of Public Health, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU; Dr William Li, Project Director of the “Youth Quitline” and Associate Professor of School of Nursing, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU; Ms Vienna Lai, Executive Director of Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health. Prof Chia-Chin Lin and Dr. Janet Wong were interviewed about adopting virtual reality (VR) and innovative technological elementsin the BNurs (Full- time) programme. (am730, Apple Daily, Hong Kong Economic Times, Lion Rock Daily, Ming Pao Daily News, Oriental Daily News, Sing Tao Daily, Sky Post, Ta Kung Pao, Wen Wei Po - June 13, 2018) The School of Nursing has established the “Academic Elite Scholarship in Nursing” (the Elite Scholarship) to motivate high calibre students to maintain an outstanding level of academic excellence over their 5-year study. (Bastille Post, hk01.com, Ming Pao Daily News, On.cc, Sing Pao, Sing Tao Daily, - July 10, 2018 ;The Standard - July 11, 2018) Dr. William Li was interviewed about ban on e-cigarettes. The Standard, Ming Pao Daily News, Sing Tao Daily, Ta Kung Pao, am730 – July 11, 2018) 10
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