Online with College of Nursing, Taipei Medical University
More than 170 HKU School of Nursing students in Year 1 to Year 4 (Academic Year 2020/2021) participated in the “2021 Online Inbound Program” offered by the College of Nursing, Taipei Medical University (TMU), from January 25 to February 5, 2021. The programme featured discussions by renowned scholars from TMU on topics such as “The Development and Prospect of Traditional Chinese Medicine”, “Big Data Analysis in Health Care for Risk Assessment and Quality Management”, “Assisted Devices for the Elderly” and “Resilience Development in COVID 19: Build Back Better for Future Preparation, Response, and Recovery”. The programme welcomed students from more than 20 universities across southern Asia, with the total number of participants reaching 762. Afterwards, a de-briefing session was arranged for HKU students to consolidate their learning.