MAR 2023 ISSUE 51

Duke University, USA

Cecilia Tse Suet-wing | Year 3 Bachelor of Nursing (Full-time) student

It was my pleasure to represent HKU at the “Exploring Global Patterns of Health and Illness” programme hosted by Duke University in the USA. I spent three weeks at Duke University and Duke Hospital with international students from the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Oman, Korea and Japan. We had lectures and seminars about global health issues, healthcare systems and nursing practices of different countries. It was also an eye-opening experience at Duke Hospital. Nursing practices in the US are more independent and the facilities and resources in hospitals in the US are more well-developed and comprehensive for patient-centred care. I also had an opportunity to conduct an evidence-based practice project with international fellows which allowed me to understand and explore the rationales and evidence behind nursing interventions. During weekends, it was also exciting to watch American football, basketball and baseball games at renowned stadiums in Durham. The three-week experience at Duke and Durham was short yet wonderful. I will definitely recommend this programme to my junior fellows in future.
