MAR 2023 ISSUE 51

AIESEC Youth 4 Impact, Romania

Cheng I-ching | Year 4 Bachelor of Nursing (Full-time) student

“English is, Fun…tastic!!!” This is what I heard every day during two months in the English camp in Romania. My adventure started when I thought I should do something meaningful during my enrichment semester. To put my words into action, I joined AIESEC’s volunteer programme to become a global English teacher in Romania. I can still recall getting lost on my way to the camp, struggling to get used to cultural shocks (as Romanians drink tap water!), starting my own fire to get warm bathing water, etc. It was such an eventful and challenging journey. However, these challenges taught me how to integrate myself in a new environment, and how I should react in emergent situations. I cherish the memories of having my friends’ companionship when I went through all the difficulties, and the beautiful friendships that remain even when we are now miles apart. I love how my Romanian students smiled during my classes, even when they didn’t understand a single word. I love how they gave me the warmest hugs I’d ever had, and how they sobbed when they told me they were sad to leave the camp. In a nutshell, the camp gave me precious memories that I will never forget and showed me life is worth living!
