Page 6 - HKU Nursing 25th Anniversary Booklet
P. 6
Message from
Head of School
Professor Chia-Chin Lin
School of Nursing
LKS Faculty of Medicine
The University of Hong Kong
The year 2020 marks Florence Nightingale’s bicentennial and the World Health Organization’s International
Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. Nursing as a profession and an academic discipline has progressively
increased its significance, achievements, and influence through the visionary stewardship, perseverance,
and innovation of our predecessors over the last two centuries. We at the School of Nursing, The University
of Hong Kong, are truly grateful for their contributions and are honoured to be part of the change agents
for the development of nursing and healthcare.
The year 2020 is also the 25 anniversary of the HKU School of Nursing. Since our inception, the
School has been playing a significant role in nursing education, research, and knowledge exchange with
substantial influence in the territory and worldwide.
Our nursing education is multidimensional, interdisciplinary and interprofessional. Our curriculum is
evidence-based with advanced clinical practices, which has grown steadily in response to ever-changing
global healthcare needs and technological innovation. With the quality and diverse range of our academic
programmes, advanced simulation technology and transformative pedagogy, our students are equipped
with the knowledge, skills and empathy to provide the professional care that patients and their carers
require. Extensive international exchange and life enrichment programmes have also expanded our
students’ global perspective and increased cultural adaptability, which are essential traits for leadership.
Our high-impact research and scholarship have also gained international recognition. We have
strengthened our research by generating cutting-edge evidence to shape policies and guidelines and
developing novel interventions to improve patients’ quality of life. The School’s research is influential,
engaging and translational locally, regionally and internationally.
Our strategic partnerships within the LKS Faculty of Medicine and HKU, with hospitals and healthcare
settings, government and non-government organisations, as well as renowned universities and institutions
overseas, have cultivated a broad spectrum and profundity of knowledge exchange and collaboration.
This publication documents the memorable milestones and significant accomplishments of the School,
as well as fond memories by our students, alumni and staff. At this silver jubilee anniversary, I would like
to pay tribute and dedicate this publication to all the people who have made significant contributions to
the development and advancement of the School: our alumni for their outstanding service in society; our
donors for their unfailing support; our clinical and professional affiliates for their synergy and partnerships;
and our talented research, academic and administrative staff for their exemplary and industrious efforts.
Going forward, HKU School of Nursing will continue to flourish and contribute to Hong Kong
society and the wider global community through excellence in teaching, research, knowledge
exchange and engagement.