Page 9 - HKU Nursing 25th Anniversary Booklet
P. 9


                       Generating new knowledge and translating it into practice

                Research published in high impact                      Incorporated new interventions, such as
                publications including BMJ,                            smoking cessation, into regular services
                JAMA Internal Medicine, JAMA
                Pediatrics, JAMA Neurology,                                Shouldered responsibility for health
                International Journal of Nursing                           promotion by supporting NGOs and
                Studies, Medical Education                                producing health education materials

                                Leading through innovative quality teaching

                Clinical Problem-based Learning                             The Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation
                implemented in 2004                                          Nursing Clinical Skills Laboratory
                                                                               and Simulation Training Centre
                Introduced interprofessional                                                opened in 2017
                learning, including patient care
                project, interprofessional                                 Multiple Mini Interviews adopted for
                team-based learning, health                                           effective interviewing of
                research project and simulation                                 BNurs (FT) applicants in 2017

                Simulated community settings                                 Virtual reality adopted in teaching
                opened in 2016                                             in 2018, and flipped classroom, and
                                                                             virtual simulation adopted in 2019
                Master of Public Health Intercalated
                Programme introduced in 2016                                New curriculum of BNurs (FT) with
                                                                        new elements including life enrichment
                E-portfolio for clinical practicum                                 semester launched in 2019
                started in 2016

                            Advancing the nursing profession around the globe

                Provided an international                                           Conducted workshop for
                platform for intellectual                                        SEANERN network partners
                exchange via Hong Kong
                International Nursing                                              Represented in Universitas
                Forum, Grace Tien Lecture                                          21 Health Sciences Group
                and Serena Yang Lecture                                            (U21), Southeast and East
                                                                                 Asian Nursing Education and
                Ran training courses for                                       Research Network (SEANERN),
                nurse trainers in Guangdong                                      China Nursing Consortium of
                Province, China, sponsored                                       Elite Teaching Hospitals and
                by Temasek Foundation,                                           East Asian Forum of Nursing
                Singapore                                                                Scholars (EAFONS)
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