Page 14 - HKU Nursing 25th Anniversary Booklet
P. 14
Principle Funding Project Title Project Aim / Impact
Dr Kris Lok Health Care Baby-friendly The project strengthens the public and mothers’ awareness and
and Promotion Community Initiative capability to promulgate breastfeeding friendly attitudes. It also
Scheme Program in Hong Kong pioneers a novel new baby care app, which provides timely support
Government- and useful information on baby care facilities to mothers to sustain
Commissioned breastfeeding. The project will build a breastfeeding-friendly
Project community to support breastfeeding in Hong Kong.
Dr Kelvin Wang The Lok Assessing the corporate This project pioneered a simple, brief, and employer-supported,
Sin Tong environment in promoting smoking cessation programme in workplaces. This proactive
Benevolent tobacco control and outreach workplace smoking cessation programmes with diverse
Society, evaluation of a smoking intensity, chosen by smokers and supported by employers, were
Kowloon cessation programme in feasible for busy working environments in Hong Kong. The model has
workplaces in Hong Kong been widely adopted for workplace smoking cessation programme.
Hong Kong Tobacco Control Policy- This project aimed to obtain population-representative information
Council on related Survey 2016-2019 on smoking, second-hand smoke (SHS), knowledge and beliefs
Smoking and about the impact of smoking and SHS on health, awareness and
Health use of cessation services. It also evaluated the impact of tobacco
control policies and explored public opinion of current and future
tobacco control policies. The results have been used by the Hong
Kong Council on Smoking and Health to advocate for various
tobacco control measures, such as new and enlarged pictorial health
warnings on cigarette packs, increase in tobacco tax, extension of
smoke-free areas, a total ban on e-cigarettes and heated tobacco
products. The later has been proposed by the HKSAR Government.
Hong Kong Building capacity and This study pioneered a service model that combines a small monetary
Council on promoting smoking incentive with an active referral on smoking cessation in community
Smoking and cessation in the smokers. This project has first shown that a simple, brief, and low-
Health community via "Quit cost intervention with active referral plus a small monetary incentive
to Win" contest 2018: increased smoking abstinence and smoking cessation service use.
a single-blind cluster Such interventions can be easily disseminated through brief training
randomized controlled of volunteers.
trial on brief intervention
(AWARD), active referral
and financial incentive
for attending smoking
cessation service to
increase abstinence
Dr Janet Wong Health Care and Diabetes prevention This programme provides training to ethnic minority (EM) adolescents
Promotion Fund program for South to enhance their health awareness of diabetes prevention and to
Asian ethnic minorities invite their family members to participate by delivering a culturally
families sensitive diabetes prevention programme for EM family members.
This is the first culture-specific family-based diabetes prevention
health promotion programme for EM people in Hong Kong. It
promoted reduction in the frequency of sugary-drinks intake and
partially increased the physical activities of the adolescents’ parents
and grandparents. The results supported the necessity of cultural
sensitivity and competence in health promotion for EM families.
Health Care MyShot: An HPV The project aims to enhance Chinese adolescents’ HPV vaccination
and Promotion vaccination decision- (HPVV) uptake by facilitating their informed decision-making process.
Scheme aid smartphone app for The interactive HPVV decision-aid smartphone app was developed
adolescents to make to enhance HPVV uptake rate in six months and targeted that at least
informed choices 20% participants had HPVV uptake after joining the project.