Page 11 - HKU Nursing 25th Anniversary Booklet
P. 11
Cancer and palliative care Community and mental health nursing
Since the School’s inception, our research has Our partnerships with non-government organisations
engaged both patients and the public to inform the (NGOs) have delivered empowerment programmes
development of interventional strategies. Specifically, for women suffering from depression due to intimate
we have developed effective exercise programmes to partner abuse. Our research work has influenced
improve the psychological and sleep health of lung international guidelines and recommendations to
cancer patients. We also seek to ease long-term international agencies such as the World Health
effects in cancer survivorship using complementary Organization (WHO) and the Institute of Medicine in
therapies. Moreover, innovative programmes have the United States. In addition, we have also led the
been designed to reduce fatigue and improve the territory-wide Breastfeeding Friendly Community
quality of life for children with cancer. We have also Initiative in Hong Kong to promote and facilitate
partnered with community agencies to evaluate the breastfeeding and improve mothers’ mental well-
effectiveness of palliative care for children. being. At the same time, the School has introduced
a number of health promotion programmes for
improving health and quality of life in the community.
Gerontology and long-term care Smoking cessation and tobacco control
In partnership with government and NGOs, we The School’s engagement with government, health
have conducted territory-wide health assessments agencies/professionals and the community has
using the WHO ICOPE model and established contributed enormously to tobacco control policies
priorities for primary care. Our research work and smoking cessation services improvement.
has also strengthened the application of non- We are one of the leading groups in advancing
pharmacological interventions including mindfulness smoking cessation intervention using complex
yoga, narrative therapy, empowerment-based behavioural change techniques and large-scale
behavioural activation and lifestyle-based cognitive randomised controlled trials. Our new models have
training to reduce chronic disease burden and been shown to be an effective community smoking
disability. The School has also expanded informal cessation strategy.
care resources to support senior citizens with
stroke, dementia or social isolation through theory-
driven digital care innovation, an advanced model of
volunteering, and family-based initiatives.