Page 13 - HKU Nursing 25th Anniversary Booklet
P. 13
Principle Funding Project Title Project Aim / Impact
Dr Mandy Ho Health Care A community-based This project aims to develop an evidence-based diabetes prevention
and Promotion lifestyle intervention model to diabetes risks among overweight Chinese adults with
Scheme program for diabetes pre-diabetes. Its implementation will alleviate the disease burden on
prevention in Chinese individuals, the community and the healthcare system.
people with pre-diabetes
Dr William Li Health Care and Promoting smoking This project pioneered an ambassador-led brief advice intervention
Promotion Fund cessation for female based on the AWARD (Ask, Warn, Advise, Refer and Do-it-again)
smokers in Hong model to promote smoking cessation among female smokers in the
Kong through training community.
female youth smoking
cessation and reduction
Chow Tai Effectiveness of an This project pioneered an integrated adventure-based training and
Fook Charity integrated experiential health education programme to promote an active lifestyle, exercise
Foundation - training with healthcare self-efficacy, and quality of life for Hong Kong Chinese childhood
We are With professional coaching cancer survivors. The programme effectively enhanced their
You Project programme in promoting health outcomes with high feasibility and acceptance. The project
Fund 2014-15 regular physical activity urges healthcare professionals to promote the model’s adoption
among childhood in educational and community sectors through developing multi-
cancer patients disciplinary and cross-sectoral partnership.
Hong Kong Territory-wide survey: This project developed a contextual-specific health promotion
Council on Health promotion programme on smoking hazards based on the territory-wide survey
Smoking and programme on smoking data on public awareness, knowledge of smoking-related health
Health hazards hazards and their viewpoints on tobacco control and the related
policies. The programme has successfully increased smokers’
intention to quit smoking.
Tobacco Provision of service The project pioneered a peer counselor-led smoking cessation
Control Office, of Youth Quitline programme to provide direct smoking cessation support to young
Department of programme for youth smoker and increase their awareness on smoking cessation services
Health smokers with effective outcomes.
Hong Kong Evaluation study on This project adopted a role-model approach to empower a group of
Council on smoke-free ambassador young leaders with a positive image and smoke cessation counselling
Smoking and leadership training skills to disseminate smoke-free message and healthy lifestyle to
Health programme 2016-2017 schools and the community. This Smoke-free Teens Programme is
of great success to develop and mobilize a new batch of smoke-free
ambassadors to advocate smoke-free culture for promoting public health.
Health Care Implementation of an This project pioneered an evidence-based smoking cessation
and Promotion evidence-based smoking intervention, combining brief cessation advice and active referral to
Scheme cessation intervention existing smoking cessation service, to emergence room users. It is
comprising brief advice also a capacity-building project to develop the expertise and positive
plus active referrals attitude of healthcare professionals to sustain smoking cessation
for smokers attending through evidence-based intervention.
emergency departments
in Hong Kong