Page 8 - HKU Nursing 25th Anniversary Booklet
P. 8



                               2 5 Y E AR S O F A C H I E V E M E NT S

                                             Nurturing nurse leaders

                   >3,000            ~1,900            >700             ~20              ~50

                     Bachelor of      Bachelor of      Master of       Doctor of    Master of Philosophy/
                    Nursing (FT)     Nursing (PT)       Nursing         Nursing     Doctor of Philosophy
                     graduates        graduates        graduates       graduates         graduates

                                            >1,200                         >3,700

                                 healthcare professionals have obtained   and  have attended
                                    the Certificate in Infection Control      modules


                     nurses completed the Beginner Course and/or Advanced Course for the Advanced Training
                       Programme in Clinical Nursing Education sponsored by Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation
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