Bachelor of Nursing Advanced Leadership Track

Bachelor of Nursing Advanced Leadership Track [BNurs-ALT]
• JUPAS (Code: JS6418)
• NON- JUPAS (Code: 6418)
The Advanced Leadership Track offered under the existing Bachelor of Nursing programme [BNurs-ALT] is designed for high achievers, who aspire to pursue an advanced and specialised nurse practice or a nurse-physician career in the healthcare sector, to accomplish the professional curricula at an accelerated pace.
In addition to the 5-year BNurs curriculum, students will have the opportunity to articulate to HKU Master of Nursing (MNurs)* or HKU Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)*:
- Articulation to HKU Master of Nursing (MNurs)#
Students shall be admitted to the 1-year part-time MNurs study, upon successful completion of the 5-year BNurs programme, and shall be able to complete one Bachelor’s Degree and one Master’s Degree in Nursing in 6 years upon satisfactory completion of curricula concerned.
- Articulation to HKU Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)*
Students shall be admitted directly to MBBS Year 2 and exempted from the Year 3 enrichment year requirement, upon successful completion of the 5-year BNurs programme with first class honours*, and shall be able to complete 2 professional degrees in 9 years, upon satisfactory completion of curricula concerned.
A Leadership Development Programme, which is specifically designed for BNurs-ALT students, offers opportunities for them to acquire professional development skills for advanced performance and to cultivate leadership skillsets via experiential learning experience. Students will also be assigned a designated professoriate staff and an experienced nurse leader as personal mentors, who provide advice and guidance throughout the BNurs-ALT study. Students can learn from the great minds, expand their personal networks and widen their horizon.
* Subject to the fulfilment of MNurs/MBBS programme entry requirements. HKDSE “Chemistry” is required for the MBBS articulation pathway.
# Scholarship covering the full composition fee of MNURS will be provided to BNURS-ALT graduates opting for the MNurs articulation pathway with outstanding academic achievements.
^ There may be refinements in curriculum structure.
Please refer to the BNurs curriculum at https://nursing.hku.hk/education/bachelor-of-nursing-full-time
School of Nursing
5/F, HKUMed Academic Building