History & Milestones

The School celebrated its 30th anniversary, and a kick-off ceremony was held in December 2024.

The School jointly organised the 14th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum cum 2024 Sino US Nursing Forum cum 2nd Greater Bay Area Nursing Conference with The University of Hong Kong – Shenzhen Hospital, drawing over 400 delegates worldwide.

The first cohort of the Master of Science in Nursing [MSc(Nurs)] graduated.

The School hosted the 27th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS 2024) with over 1,400 overseas and local delegates attended.
The School celebrated International Nurses Day for the first time with Hong Kong West Cluster
The first Asian-Pacific Qualitative Health Research Network (AQUHN) was established to promote qualitative research. It connects qualitative health researchers in Asia-Pacific and is open to scholars beyond the region.

The School relocated from William MW Mong Block, 21 Sassoon Road to Academic Building, 3 Sassoon Road.

HKU Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation Nursing Clinical Skills Laboratory and Simulation Training Centre is the first nursing simulation laboratory among tertiary institutions in Hong Kong accredited by the Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH).
First University in Hong Kong using baby and child high-fidelity simulators for nursing teaching.
The Healthcare Education and Simulation Workshop was held via a hybrid mode for the first time.
Launch of the accredited Master in Science in Nursing [MSc(Nurs)] in 2021/22.

Launch of Advanced Leadership Track under the Bachelor of Nursing programme (BNurs-ALT) in 2021/22.

10th Anniversary of the Certificate in Infection Control Course.

The Master of Nursing programme was selected for the UGC Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes. Fellowships with 30 MNurs local students to be awarded in 2021/22.

The 10th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum was held virtually for the first time and was co-hosted with Sigma Theta Tau International Asia Region.
The first Master of Nursing (Full-time) student and the first Doctor of Nursing (Full-time) student enrolled in the School.

The School responded to COVID-19.
The School celebrated its 25th anniversary, and a kick-off ceremony was held in December 2019.
For the first time, the Hong Kong International Nursing Forum was co-hosted with The University of Hong Kong – Shenzhen Hospital and held outside of Hong Kong.
Life Enrichment (LE) Learning programmes were added to the Bachelor of Nursing (Full-time) programme.
Healthcare Education and Simulation Workshop was first organised.
Launch of the Perfusion Science Study Track of Master of Nursing.
Co-organised an inaugural Clinical Skills Competition for Ares Leung Clinical Skills Prize in Emergency Medicine (SIM WARS).
Launch of "Academic Elite Scholarship in Nursing" for full-time undergraduate students.

The incorporation of using Virtual Reality Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (VR CAVE) and innovative technological elements including 3D graphics, 360-degree videos and robots in Bachelor of Nursing (Full-time) programme in September 2018.

“Global Health Nursing and Leadership Development Workshop” was launched for students from East Asian Nursing Education and Research Network (SEANERN) in December 2018.
The School, for the first time, jointly organised the 8th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum cum 2018 International Council on Women’s Health Issues Congress with School of Nursing of Johns Hopkins University during December 17 – 18, 2018
Professor Chia-Chin Lin was appointed to head up the School.
Professor Chia-Chin Lin, Head of the School of Nursing was conferred the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Professor in Nursing.

One of the School’s clinical skills laboratories was named “The Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation Nursing Clinical Skills Laboratory and Simulation Training Centre”.

7th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum was one of the important celebratory events for the Faculty’s 130 years anniversary.

The School is the only nursing institution in the territory to be a signatory of the Southeast and East Asian Nursing Education and Research Network (SEANERN) Memorandum of Agreement (MoA).
The Consortium for Evidence and Research TrAnslation in Nursing (CERTAIN) was set up.
Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) was launched to interview shortlisted applicants for Bachelor of Nursing (Full-time) programme.
The first Pinning Ceremony was held.

Admission of first student to Master of Public Health(MPH) Intercalated Programme.
Launch of "Entrance Scholarship in Nursing" for full-time undergraduate students.

The Celebration of the 20th Anniversary
The 10th Anniversary of Youth Quitline

Advanced Training Programme in Clinical Nursing Education sponsored by Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation commenced.
Admission of the first cohort of Direct Admissions Scheme to Senior Year Places

Standardized Patient Simulation-based Education was initiated.
Knowledge Exchange and External Relations Committee was established.
The first cohort of Doctor of Nursing programme graduated.

The first cohort of Part-time Pre-registration Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) programme graduated.
Undergraduate Research Fellowship Programme was implemented.
The five-year, full-time, pre-registration Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) programme commenced in response to the 3-3-4 curriculum reform in Hong Kong.
The Symposium on Gender-based Violence in Hong Kong: Sexual and Domestic Violence, co-organized with Department of Pathology and RainLily, was held.
A delegation of 19 staff members and students paid an academic visit to the School of Nursing of Jilin University, China
The first issue of Nursing Student Newsletter White Guardian was commenced.

Professor Agnes Tiwari was appointed to head up the School.

The pioneering Temasek Training-of-Trainers Programme for Advancement of Nurses in Guangdong Province, China was completed.
The Department was re-named to School.

The Celebration of the 15th Anniversary

The Hong Kong Nursing Forum was re-named as Hong Kong International Nursing Forum
The Part-time Pre-registration Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) programme commenced.

Certificate in Infection Control Programme jointly organised with the Department of Microbiology commenced.
The Doctor of Nursing commenced.

“Family: A Jockey Club Initiative for a Harmonious Society”Project was introduced.
The Serena Yang Lecture and the Serena Yang Fellowship were established.
Research Office was established.
The Hong Kong Nursing Forum was inaugurated.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the University of Pennsylvania

The first youth-oriented hotline, the Youth Quitline was established.

The 10th Anniversary Symposium was hosted.

The Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Department.
The HKU Nursing Alumni Association was established.
The first MPhil student graduated.

The Centre for Health Promotion was established.

The Grace Tien Lecture was inaugurated.
The first issue of School Newsletter was published.

The Naming of Serena Yang Library
The Serena Yang Scholarship and Prizes were established.

The Department responded to SARS.

Lau Wing Kai Memorial Prizes were established.

The first cohort of the Master of Nursing in Advanced Practice programme graduated.

Universities 21 Head of Nursing meeting was hosted.
Y W Kwok Scholarship was established.
The Master of Nursing programme commenced.

The first honorary tutor was appointed.
The first MPhil student enrolled in the department.

The Department relocated from Queen Mary Hospital to Sassoon Road.

Dr Sophia Chan was appointed to head up the Department.
BL Wong Prizes were established.
Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Undergraduates Scholarship was established.
The first PhD student enrolled in the Department.

The first cohort of Full-time Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) programme graduated
The first cohort of Part-time Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) programme graduated
The Master of Nursing in Advanced Practice programme commenced.

The first International Nurses Day Health Fair organized by our department.

Medic 71 Prizes were established
First doctoral student admitted in conjunction with the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy.

Dr Sophia Chan was appointed to head up the Department (Jan – Aug).

Professor Patricia L Sullivan was appointed to head up the Department in September.
The Part-time Post-registration Bachelor of Nursing programme commenced.
The Department of Nursing Studies was established.
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The four-year, full-time, pre-registration Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) programme commenced with the admission of 42 students.

Professor S P Chow was appointed to head up the Department.