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10th Serena Yang Lecture Past Event

01 Dec 2022
Event details


The Future is Here; It’s just not Everywhere


Dr Beverly Malone
President and CEO, National League for Nursing

Dr Beverly Malone, President and CEO, National League for Nursing, was the speaker of the 10th Serena Yang Lecture.  She shared with the audience on the topic “The Future is Here; It’s just not Everywhere”, while the future is here and NOT everywhere, almost 28 million nurses across the globe, are everywhere.  There is not a healthcare door in hospital or communities, rural or urban, low or high income countries, that you will not find a nurse. If we can only learn to co-create, collaborate, cooperate, coordinate and believe in the power of nursing, we will demand and transform our Now into the Future.

The 10th Serena Yang Lecture was held on December 1, 2022, in conjunction with the 12th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum held virtually online.  Since 2008, the School has been organizing the Serena Yang Lecture as a sincere tribute to Dr. Serena Yang for her continuous support and generous donation to the School of Nursing.