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HKU School of Nursing organise the U21 Research Postgraduate Symposium Past Event

08 Dec 2021
Event details

This is the second year for HKU School of Nursing to organise the online U21 Research Postgraduate Symposium which was held on December 8 during the 11th Hong Kong International Nursing forum. A total of 11 postgraduate students from five U21 universities, including Fudan University, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, The University of Auckland, University of Johannesburg and our University presented their research projects at the symposium.

The symposium was chaired and moderated by Dr Julia Slark, Coordinator of the U21 Health Sciences Group (HSG) Deans of Nursing and Midwifery Group. Faculty members from the five participating universities voted on the Outstanding Presentation Award and the Peers’ Choice Award was voted on by presenters. Congratulations to Ms Nomathemba Nxumalo from University of Johannesburg and Ms Rose Lin from HKU who received the Outstanding Presentation Award, as well as Ms Elysabeth Tarihoran from University of Auckland, Mr Matthew Chau from HKU and Ms Rose Lin from HKU who received the Peers’ Choice Award.