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Research Faculty

Tongyao WANG

Dr Tongyao Wang is currently a Research Assistant Professor at the School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong. She graduated with a BSc in Nursing in 2015. She worked as a surgical oncology nurse in Cleveland, Ohio, USA and as a travel nurse in Sydney, Australia from 2015 to 2018. She completed her PhD with a Fellowship Award at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University in 2021, followed by postdoctoral training at HKU School of Nursing.

Dr Wang is interested in developing evidence-based interventions to improve patients with cancer and their family caregivers’ experiences with health education, symptom management, and survivorship care. She is conducting research with colleagues in the US, UK, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, and mainland China.

  • Patient education and health literacy
  • Symptom management
  • Survivorship care
  • Palliative and end-of-life care
Funding Scheme Project Title Approved Amount (HK$)
2020 Doris Bloch Research Award Fund - Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Foundation                                           Development and Validation: A pictographic educational handout on tracheostomy care patients with head and neck cancer and their family caregivers 5,000 USD
  1. Wang T*, Mazanec SR, Chhabra N, Rezaee R, Schiltz N, Voss JG. Post-traumatic distress and symptom experience with head and neck cancer-relate tracheostomy: An Observational study. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2022; 50(1), 35-46. Available from: doi: 10.1188/23.ONF.35-46
  2. Wang T*, Mazanec SR, Schiltz N, Chhabra N, Rezaee R, Voss JG. Development of a pictorial patient education handout on tracheostomy care: A Mixed-method study. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2023; 45(2), 144–151.  Available from: doi: 10.1177/01939459221109813
  3. Wang T, Nelson Yolanda M, Alexander F, Dolansky Mary A*. Future direction of quality and safety competency-based education: Quality and safety education for nurses’ teaching strategies. Journal of Nursing Education. 2022; 61(6), 287-288.  Available from: doi: 10.3928/01484834-20220510-01 
  4. Wang T*, Voss GJ. Information overload in patient education: a Wilsonian concept analysis. Nursing Science Quarterly. 2022; 35(3), 341–349.  Available from: doi: 10.1177/08943184221092451
  5. Wang T*, Mazanec SR, Voss JG. Needs of informal caregivers of patients with head and neck cancer: A Systematic review. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2021; 48(1), 11–29.  Available from: doi: 10.1188/21.ONF.11-29
  6. Wang T*, Voss JG. Effectiveness of pictographs in improving patient education outcomes: A Systematic review. Health Education Research. 2021; 36, 9-40.  Available from: doi: 10.1093/her/cyaa046
  7. Wang T*, Voss J, Perazzo J, Phillips JC, Musanti R, Orton P, Hamilton MJ, Chaiphibalsarisdi P, Schnall R, Dawson-Rose C, Nokes KM, Adam Tufts K, Portillo C, Sefcik E, Webel AR. Working status and seasonal meteorological conditions predict physical activity levels in people living with HIV. AIDS Care. 2022; 34:7, 926-935.  Available from: doi: 10.1080/09540121.2021.1981219
  8. Wang T*, Voss JG, Dolansky MA. Promote radiation safety for nurses: A Policy perspective. Journal of Radiology Nursing. 2021; 40, 179-182.  Available from: doi: 10.1016/j.jradnu.2020.12.003
Year Scholarship/ Award Institution, Country
2021 Benita Martocchio Award for Excellence in Oncology Nursing Case Western Reserve University, USA
2021 Rising Stars of Research and Scholarship Award Alpha Mu Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, USA
2020 Graduate Student Award Annual Nursing Theory Conference, USA
2019 Merit Scholarship Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement Chinese Christian Herald Crusades, USA
2018 - 2021 Fellowship Award, Sarah Cole Hirsh Institute for Evidence-based Practice Case Western Reserve University, USA